2012 Ford Explorer

2012 Ford Explorer

Ford Explorer

Service Date
Services Performed
  • Accessed and replaced spark plugs for maintenance and repairs. Cleared code and verified repairs with run time and road test.
  • Replaced ignition coil due to carbon tracking.
  • Verified concern. Scan test shows P0300 with active misfire under load on cylinder 3 during concern. Accessed and tested ignition, fuel, compression to cylinder. All passed. Found carbon tracking on spark plug when removed and is the cause of concern. Plug and coil will need to be replaced. Recommend all plugs be replaced for maintenance. See other line for repairs diagnosis only on this line,
Robin L. gave our service a 5 star review on 2/12/2020


John's Automotive Escondido
2235 Barham Dr
Escondido, CA92029
(760) 746-1971

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